Short stories by a troubled teenager – Bianca Bănică
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Autor: Bianca Bănică
Colecţia: Hey Monday
Format: 170×170
Nr. pagini: 120
An apariţie: 2021
This is a collection of short, semi-fictional stories that I wrote during my high school years.
They all initially started out as school assignments for my English class, but later on turned into ways that I could explore the less pretty parts of my life.
The book addresses things such as unrequited love, the mental illness that can sometimes run rampant in families, flirtatious dances with suicidal thoughts, but also endings filled with grace and conversations with kind strangers. My drawings from those years are also scattered throughout its pages.
I can only hope that other teenagers out there might read this and find a creative escape of their own when the world seems a bit too dark.